Booking Information


*** DISCLAIMER: While we do everything in our power to get dresses delivered on time for your event, there are various factors affecting shipping that are out of our control. This includes previous renters not returning dresses on time, shipping mistakes or delays by the post office, lost packages, damaged gowns, and the very occasional mishap on our part. Again, we will do everything possible to ensure dresses arrive on time. Thank you for your understanding!


What If The Dress Doesn't Fit My Model?

We are happy to provide measurements, but ultimately you are responsible for ensuring the sizing will fit your model beforehand. We are happy to help you figure out how to properly measure your model prior to your rental period.


How Far In Advance Should I Secure My Rental?

We are located in Hawaii, which means shipping can take up to 10 days. While we do offer two-day shipping for an additional fee, if you opt for this option you are waving your guarantee that dresses will be delivered by your event date. Dresses secured with less than 10 days notice do not have a guaranteed arrival date. Please message us with special requests for 2-day shipping.


When Am I Guaranteed My Rental Is Secure?

Your rental date is not secure until contracts have been signed and payments have been made. We have the right to void your contract if another renter signs and pays first. If you pay and do not fill out the contract, we have the right to void your payment and cancel your booking.


How Do I Move Forward With Securing My Rental?

Please navigate to the rentals page and select your dates on the calendar. If they are grayed out, that means the date is unavailable. Check out via the shop page and you should receive a confirmation email!


Size 2 - 25.5" waist

Size 4 - 26.5" waist

Size 6 - 27.5" waist

Size 8 - 28.5" waist

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